Every day has been pretty much the same. I've been on a good streak. I think 25 was the the first day I got my heels of the floor for a whole set in Head to Knee Pose and Stretching Pose. Since then I've been able to do it in both sets. 29 was the hardest of them. My pains in my sides are starting to come back, so I didn't work myself too hard because I want to do really well today. I cant wait until I get that T-Shirt. I've always wanted a shirt that says I did something.
Welcome to my blog
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Day ummm... 25-29
Every day has been pretty much the same. I've been on a good streak. I think 25 was the the first day I got my heels of the floor for a whole set in Head to Knee Pose and Stretching Pose. Since then I've been able to do it in both sets. 29 was the hardest of them. My pains in my sides are starting to come back, so I didn't work myself too hard because I want to do really well today. I cant wait until I get that T-Shirt. I've always wanted a shirt that says I did something.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 23 and 24
I'm sorry that I've been behind lately. Let me tell you what's happening, I am currently on day 26 but I forgot to write a few days. I will catch up soon.
Every time the subject comes up with my mom (which is several times a day) she always reminds me how many days I have left. I never think about how many days left there by myself. I think that I start to get impatient if I think about it like that. It reminds me of something I heard on a video about the Hubble space telescope. When you are fixing the telescope its cold and you have to screw in tiny screws with big gloves on. The man said that he doesn't think about how many screws are left, he just thinks about the one that he's working on at the moment.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Day 21 and 22
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Days 19 and 20
This morning I did another 6:45 class. I feel like I couldn't go as deep into some of the postures than I could the day before. The teacher told me after that your body has to recover if you work really hard. I worked really hard on 19 so it makes sense.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Days 17 and 18
Today was much better, I think I only sat down about a quarter of the class. I did all of the postures that I could and then I sat down for the ones that were really painful. I'd have to say that camel is the worst. I hope they go away soon, I really want to do more tomorrow.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Day 16
I have a problem; I'm running out of ideas to write about. If you didn't notice, my last post was rushed and probably had a lot of mistakes in it. So I have come up with an idea; I will put two days together when I am having trouble coming up with new ideas.
Today I actually have something to talk about though. Today there was a miscommunication between me and my dad and I accidentally went to the wrong studio. There was not enough time to get to the other one so I had to go to the class at that studio by myself. For the first half of the class I was pretty upset and I took three breaks but after that I'm not really sure what happened. I took no more breaks, even though class was hard. I just pushed myself farther.
Day 15
Sorry that I didn't update yesterday. My friend came over and I was busy. Well, this means you get two updates today.
I am now half way through my 30 day challenge. I am very tired. I showed my friend some of the postures yesterday, not for too long though, since you're not really supposed to do that. I'm still not very impressive though. I am going to have Swedish pancakes again today, but it's much earlier than the class so I think I'll be okay.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Day 14
When I first started doing yoga about a month and a half ago I got so many corrections. The first thing I thought was "I must be doing everything wrong" and although I wasn't really doing them all right (and I'm not saying that I get them all right now) but I realized that this wasn't completely correct. I noticed that some teachers gave more corrections than others. I realized that if teachers give you a lot of corrections it means they like you. My dad told me this in the beginning but I only realized it a few days ago. If the teachers give you a lot of corrections it means that they want to help you improve. And I noticed that every time a teacher gives me a correction I improve greatly in that posture or have a better understanding of it. I have never actually talked to a teacher about this so I could be completely off, but this is my opinion. So remember, if a teacher gives you a lot of corrections it probably isn't because you're doing everything wrong, it's because the teachers want you to improve. And at least they aren't ignoring you.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 13
Here's the comic I promised you yesterday. I actually drew it last night but it happened to me again today.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 12
Today was average. The teacher today was funny. He corrected my dad a lot. "Mousey's dad, we're not here to eat blueberry cheesecake." He said at one point. I wasn't paying much attention though because the sun kept following me. The first time the sun went in my eye I just moved my mat forward but the second time there wasn't any way to avoid it so I just had to deal with it. I wasn't very happy at that point. But it went away pretty quickly and I was able to do the last few postures in the shade.
I have received a lot of requests to do more comics. I find this hard because this is a blog about yoga, and yoga is pretty much the same ever class. Every once in a while something funny will happen though. I talked to my dad about it when we were eating dinner tonight and I come up with a plot for a new one. So expect to see it in the next few days.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Day 11
Monday, July 11, 2011
Day 10
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Day 9
Today I found myself thinking about the sci-fi story I'm writing. I work out the details of the story and I think it's a really good time to do this since I can't think of anything that's happening in my real life. I also play songs in my head. Sometimes I try counting but it doesn't really work because I count way too fast.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Day 8
I feel like every day is my new best day. I am starting to fully understand how to do each pose and what they are each good for. I can hold nearly every pose for their whole time, even if I can't lock my knee for a lot of them. I noticed today that the teacher was giving me compliments of the poses that I really hate. It kind of makes sense to me, I don't know how to explain it though.
Today my blood sugar was under 100 for the first time before class. I ate a piece of candy and at the end of class it was 150. Yoga has defiantly helped stabilize my blood sugar.
My dad suggested that I draw a big poster of myself doing all of the postures. If I do this I will post a picture of it.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Day 7
Today I discovered something strange. I was terrified when I was doing the first breathing exercise because of the posture that comes after. You know, the one where you have to bend to the side, and then bend back, and then bend forward to touch your face to your knees. But I realized while I was doing the pose that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There was a woman behind me and the teacher actually told her to look at how my little fingers were touching under my heels. But there were other postures that I found more challenging today. Mostly the ones where you have to stand on your toes or puts pressure on your knees. Its most likely because I am starting to push myself more and I understand what I was doing wrong before.
My dad is doing the thirty day challenge with me too if you didn't know. When we were doing rabbit pose today the teacher corrected both of us and he said that at one point we had a "YouTube moment" because we adjusted our posture in the exact same way at the exact same time.
Today was a good day.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Day 6
You know what keeps me going when class gets really hard? Candy. One of the studios that I go to has a jar of candy and after every class I always take one of the little yellow ones. I'm not completely kidding, whenever I am in the middle of a tough class I always think "It's going to be over soon". Unfortunately that doesn't make time go faster. But I don't need it to, in the past few classes I feel like I've really been enjoying it.
Today I tried an early class. I woke up at around six. The first thing I thought was "I'm so tired, there's no way I can do a yoga class." But I think I had more energy after the class than I did before it. Plus I felt great all day. I like the early classes, but there's no way I would do it every day, it's still a little much to do the regular classes every day. If you do yoga and have never done an early class I highly recommend it because you feel amazing for the whole day.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day 5
When I first started the 30-day challenge my mom told me that there is a point where going to yoga just becomes part of your daily routine. I feel like I am half way there. She also said something different than what everyone else was telling me. People were saying that yoga gets easier after a couple of classes. But she told me that yoga never gets easier, you push yourself harder every day. Some days the room is hotter than usual, there may be more people, or you could have a teacher that's not so good, but you always push yourself harder. I found this true especially today. Yesterday I did all of my postures better than I feel I have ever done them, so I decided to push myself harder today. And now I am really, really tired, but I feel great.
I also think I am starting to get the triangle pose better. The more I understand it the less I like it.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Day 4
Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 3
I am really disappointed with myself. Kept telling myself to do it, but I never did. The class was fine, that's not what I'm talking about, I actually did pretty good today I think. The teacher gave me a compliment on my camel pose, which is one that I really like. But I had trouble staying focused. Guess who I saw two matts to the right of me. Or guess who I think I saw. I'll just tell you. It was Hayley Williams, the lead singer of Paramore. I think it was her for four reasons:
- Her hair was bright red
- I know that her first name was Hayley
- She was sort of small
- I think I have seen the guy she was with in some video of hers
After the class I tried to convince myself to talk to her but I couldn't. I feel really bad about that. Maybe I'll see her in class again one day. Maybe next time I will have the courage to talk to her. Well, now I can say that I think I took a yoga class with Hayley Williams. That's sort of cool.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Day 2
I am now 1/15 of the way done. Today was much better than yesterday. I only took a few breaks and I made it through all of the standing postures without taking a single break. Whenever it gets hard I let my mind wander to a good place and before I know it it's done. I always imagine myself at the science museum which I went to a few days ago. I mostly think about the cool air but the science museum is my "happy place".
I am so clumsy. Today I was drinking water (as everyone does, every time) and I thought it would make it easier if I just took the cap off. Then I could just pick it up and drink in between postures without having to unscrew it every time. Big mistake. When I was coming out on one pose I accidentally knocked it over on to the mat of the girl next to me. She didn't seem to mind, she just lied down in it, I bet it felt good.
That's about it, not much else happened. I hope it gets even better tomorrow.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Day 1
Hi, I'm Mousey and today I started doing the 30 day challenge with Bikram yoga. I am 13 years old and probably one of the only 13 year olds to ever do the 30 day challenge. I also have type one diabetes so this is also a science experiment to see how it will affect my blood sugar.
So every day I am going to write a new blog post to tell you about how my classes are going. This blog is called "Queen of Rabbits because my favorite pose (Sasangasana) is rabbit pose. Plus rabbits are cute. Lets start now.
Today was hard. My blood sugar was everywhere. I took a one week break from yoga so I think that could be part of the problem but I asked my dad and he said that he was having trouble today too. Well, I guess some days are harder than others. Today I was doing half moon pose, which is one of my least favorites, it's the first hard pose of the class, and I did the part where you have to bend over and put pull your heels up and put your head on your knees. Then the teacher said that I was improving, and that made me feel good. Let me tell you what I hate: Tuladandasana, the balancing stick. I just hate it so much. But I did it today, for the whole ten seconds each time. I like Ustrasana (camel pose) a lot. It's hard though.
That's really all I've got to say for today. I'll be back tomarrow.