Welcome to my blog

My name is Mousey, I'm 13 years old, I have type one diabeties, and I do hot yoga at the Bikram yoga studios. I just started the thirty day challenge and I expect to finish it. Read my blog to find out more.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 5

    When I first started the 30-day challenge my mom told me that there is a point where going to yoga just becomes part of your daily routine. I feel like I am half way there. She also said something different than what everyone else was telling me. People were saying that yoga gets easier after a couple of classes. But she told me that yoga never gets easier, you push yourself harder every day. Some days the room is hotter than usual, there may be more people, or you could have a teacher that's not so good, but you always push yourself harder. I found this true especially today. Yesterday I did all of my postures better than I feel I have ever done them, so I decided to push myself harder today. And now I am really, really tired, but I feel great.

    I also think I am starting to get the triangle pose better. The more I understand it the less I like it.



  1. It's true about Yoga. The better you get, the more nuances you can tweak and make it better. Hence why you are beginning to not like Triangle pose. Wait till you get to eagle.

  2. Congrats on your endeavor....you will find amazing results. I have chronic intestinal issues + gluten related maladies and Bikram has helped tremendously. I am 4 years into it...have even completed a 60 day! Keep it up!
