Welcome to my blog

My name is Mousey, I'm 13 years old, I have type one diabeties, and I do hot yoga at the Bikram yoga studios. I just started the thirty day challenge and I expect to finish it. Read my blog to find out more.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 14

    When I first started doing yoga about a month and a half ago I got so many corrections. The first thing I thought was "I must be doing everything wrong" and although I wasn't really doing them all right (and I'm not saying that I get them all right now) but I realized that this wasn't completely correct. I noticed that some teachers gave more corrections than others. I realized that if teachers give you a lot of corrections it means they like you. My dad told me this in the beginning but I only realized it a few days ago. If the teachers give you a lot of corrections it means that they want to help you improve. And I noticed that every time a teacher gives me a correction I improve greatly in that posture or have a better understanding of it. I have never actually talked to a teacher about this so I could be completely off, but this is my opinion. So remember, if a teacher gives you a lot of corrections it probably isn't because you're doing everything wrong, it's because the teachers want you to improve. And at least they aren't ignoring you.



  1. Well, I don't teach yoga, but I am a teacher, and I can tell you that anytime I make a suggestion or a correction, it definitely means I care about my student. Hey, nice drawing yesterday. I've made that face before...

  2. I am a Bikram teacher out in NJ and I correct my students only because I want to see them happy. I know when they come to class they are trying hard and putting alot of love and care into themselves, so by giving a simple correction, I feel that it helps them to do the best with all the effort they are putting in. It is only out of Love that we help guide our students along-- that's what we're there for-- and only because someone did it for us too. I know when I practice, I want corrections. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing things right and need some encouragement or help. That's what we're all here on this planet for-- to help one another, to love each other. So, yes, it is because we care about our students. And thank you, Mousey for being such an inspiration. It's wonderful to see someone so young taking such good care of themselves and really loving and nurturing themselves.
